Protecting Regulated Clients with a Secure Translation Ecosystem

06 Mar 2025
08:00 AM to 09:00 AM
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Clients in heavily-regulated industries like Life Sciences and Financial Services understandably have the most exacting translation needs; they demand the highest levels of quality and accuracy to achieve and maintain regulatory compliance and, underpinning this, is the security imperative to ensure protection of their customers’ data and their intellectual property.

Security has become table stakes in the modern localisation industry but how do you bring together all of the disparate pieces of the puzzle to build a comprehensive picture around security?

This webinar will draw on the experience of Beatriz Garcia Lopez, Solutions Director at RWS Group, to answer this question and discuss more on the subject. Beatriz will expand on the need for a harmonised approach to integrating industry-leading translation management systems, machine translation and expert-in-the-loop services capabilities to secure the translation workflow.

From expertise gained through the deployment of countless combined technology and services implementations across the regulated industries landscape, Beatriz will demonstrate how enterprise clients benefit from an end-to-end, security-first approach that helps them develop the foundation for advanced translation workflows.


•    Adopt a security-first process that combines translation management, machine translation and expert translation services.
•    Tips for developing an agile, customised translation workflow for highly-regulated content.
•    Achieve and maintain regulatory compliance while driving faster speed-to-market.


•    Regulated clients in need for localization
•    Procurement teams with centralization and cost control goals
•    Localisation managers


Host organization: RWS

Event Speakers

Beatriz García

After 20+ years of experience in the localization industry, I have vast experience in strategic project management, language technology solutions and implementation, people management and leadership.