Board of Directors FAQ

The GALA Board of Directors sets the strategic direction and governs the association. The Board ensures that GALA’s programs align with the association’s mission and strategic priorities, provides fiscal oversight, and represents the interests of GALA’s unique stakeholders with external audiences. The Board is a volunteer committee of seven individuals elected by the membership.

Board Elections occur annually. GALA members that meet the criteria may nominate themselves as candidates. Some individuals may be invited to run by the Nominating Committee, based on their qualifications and engagement with GALA. Each GALA member organization has a voting contact that submits the ballot for their organization.

This page includes General Voting FAQ, which details the election process, and the Candidate FAQ and Board Service FAQ, for members interested in running for the Board.

Please consult GALA's Bylaws and the GALA Board Eligibility Qualifications, and Duties document to learn more. For further questions, contact us at

What is the Board of Directors?

The GALA Board sets the strategic direction of the association, provides oversight of operations, stewardship of GALA's resources. It also represents the diverse interests of GALA's stakeholders in decision making. The Board is the authority responsible for governing GALA. As the governing body, the Board establishes policy, and monitors implementation of policy by GALA’s staff under the direction of the Executive Director.

How long is a Board term?

A Board term is 2 years, starting 01 January the year following the election through 31 December of the subsequent year. After completing the first 2-year term, an individual may submit their candidacy for re-election. Members of the Board may serve no more than 2 consecutive terms, for a total of 4 years.

Is there any compensation for serving?

GALA Board members are volunteers and receive no compensation for their service. A travel stipend is provided to each board member to support travel to official GALA events and meetings.

What are the benefits of serving?

Being a GALA Board Member provides the opportunity to influence the direction of the association. It also provides visibility, speaking and networking opportunities, and the knowledge that you’re volunteering for a great organization!

What is the time commitment?

The monthly commitment is 3-7 hours, depending on involvement in subcommittees. The GALA Board meets virtually once per month for 90 minutes. There is an all-day meeting connected to GALA’s annual conference and board members are expected to attend in person. Prior to board meetings, some preparation is required to read financial and staff reports. There are rare offline/asynchronous tasks as well, such as conducting interviews, creating content, participating in panel discussions with other industry associations, serving as the board liaison for other volunteer committees, and other responsibilities as decided by the director and sitting Board.

Who can vote?

All member organizations at GALA have the right to vote; this includes language service companies, client organizations, and academic members. (Partner members do not vote.) Each member organization receives one ballot, distributed to a designated voting contact. The designated voting contact is confirmed each year prior to the ballot distribution.

How is the board election administered?

The election is administered through an online survey tool. The candidates with the highest number of votes will be elected.

What precautions are in place to avoid voter fraud?

Ballots are uniquely linked to emails of voting contacts, and only one vote is allowed per email. GALA staff reviews the results to ensure no organization submitted more than one ballot.

Can a candidate's organization vote for their candidate?

Yes. Your organization's designated voting contact may vote for a candidate from their own organization, including themselves, if they are running.

Who has access to the results?

Only GALA staff has access to the voting platform. At the conclusion of the voting period, the current Board of Directors receives a tally of the results.

What happens if there is a tie?

Per the GALA Bylaws, in case of a tie, the sitting Board of Directors will select the new Director from the tied candidates.

How are the results announced?

Results are announced by email and shared on GALA's website in November/December.

What are the eligibility criteria to be a candidate for the Board of Directors?

Candidates must:

  • Be a current member of GALA.
  • 2 years of membership (need not be with the same member organization) within the last 5 years.
  • Have a demonstrable history of engagement with GALA's programs and services.
  • Be at a senior level within their organization with a minimum of 8 years of industry experience (i.e., sufficient to have a "big picture" understanding of the industry). 
  • Have the endorsement and support of their employer.
How many Directors serve on GALA's Board?

GALA's Board has seven Directors. The number of positions up for election alternates annually; 3 positions are available in odd-numbered years and 4 positions in even-numbered years (example: in 2024 there are 4 open Board positions). 

What is the role of the Nominating Committee?

The Nominating Committee ensures that all board candidates meet established criteria for GALA leadership and helps to identify potential future leaders. Their goal is to ensure that the GALA has a board that is balanced, representative of the membership, and equipped to lead the association.

What happens once I submit the candidacy application?

GALA staff and the Nominating Committee will review your application to ensure you meet the eligibility and qualifications requirements. You will receive an update on your status from staff. GALA will create your candidate webpage and campaign materials (social media assets, etc.) using the information provided on the application form. Once GALA makes the official announcement of candidates, you may start to campaign. 

What are the campaign guidelines?

GALA promotes all candidates equally via email and social media. GALA does not distribute any “campaign” e-mails to the membership on behalf of the candidates or share mailing lists. However, candidates may get in touch with personal contacts directly. Candidates may not distribute any emails or links to candidate pages until after the official GALA announcement.