GALA Business Barometer: People Operations Report 2024

GALA Business Barometer People Operations Report 2024


The GALA Buisness Barometer: People Operations Report 2024 contains dozens of insights into how organizations in the global language industry conduct human resources at their companies.

Learn about which benefits are most commonly offered, how employee performance is measured, and what job roles are most difficult to fill. 

Explore the types of skills that language industry professionals expect of new talent, and the trends in hiring and downsizing.


Download the Report


Simply log in to your GALA account and click on the link above to download the GALA Buisness Barometer: People Operations Report 2024. The checkout wizard will enable a free product for members and a small fee for non-members. This in-depth, yet easy-to-digest report is an investment in your business and your team.