Accessible Writing – How Much Do I Need to Start?

28 Aug 2024
01:00 AM to 02:00 AM
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(This event starts at 10:00am CEST. See the World Clock Meeting Planner to check your local time.)


We all know that there's no such thing as easy writing or easy translating. Additionally, we create content for sighted users and don’t think about accessibility at all. Is it difficult to change that? 

Let’s start our workshop with examples of content created for:
Screen readers. 

  1. Daily challenges users can have, for example:
  2. ADHD
  3. Short-term and long-term memory problems
  4. Dyslexia
  5. Processing speed
  6. Depression
  7. After-covid fog brain
  8. Neurodivergence 

Let’s continue with a discussion about popular writing standards, for example:

  1. Clear writing
  2. Plain English
  3. IBM's Easy English
  4. ASD Simplified Technical English
  5. Caterpillar Technical English

Let’s finish with some tips and tricks on how to: 

  1. Start detecting inaccessible content
  2. Create and reshape content
  3. Cooperate with other departments in the company


We will: 

  1. Share our experience and show how we use language to help our users work and enjoy the tools
  2. Ask you to write and rewrite a short copy
  3. Show some tools to use when writing


  1. Tech writers
  2. UX writers
  3. PMs
  4. Localization professionals
  5. Translators
  6. Content creators
  7. Anyone interested 😊


Host organization: memoQ Translation Technologies

Event Speakers

Monika Skoneczna
memoQ Translation Technologies

Hi, I'm Monika, and I work as a Technical Communication Specialist, which means I do both - technical and UX writing. I also volunteer as a Marketing Manager at the Women in Localization Poland Chapter. It is not only great fun but also a huge opportunity to create a community and empower others. In life after work, I watch Star Wars, read bizarre books, and learn about information architecture. I also adore spaghetti.

Gergely Garai
memoQ Translation Technologies

After 20 years in the translation industry, 5 (and counting) in tech comm at memoQ. Striving father of two, bike commuter.