[GALA Valencia 2024] GALA MTPE TrAIning SIG: What is the Impact of AI-Translation on Academia, Buyers, LSPs and Post-Editors?

22 Apr 2024

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In today's dynamic language landscape, the rapid evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in translation has significantly transformed the way we interact with languages, influencing academia, buyers, Language Service Providers (LSPs), and post-editors. The GALA MTPE Training Special Interest Group (SIG) aims to delve into the profound effects of AI-driven translation on these pivotal entities. Academia, has witnessed a seismic shift in how translation and language technology are taught and researched. AI-driven translation tools have become integral in educational curriculums, shaping future linguists, and fostering innovative approaches to language studies.

For buyers, the adoption of AI-translation solutions has altered the dynamics of language services acquisition. The immediacy, cost-effectiveness, and increasingly higher quality of AI-translation have redefined the expectations and demands of language buyers, influencing their decision-making processes and relationship with LSPs. LSPs, have experienced both challenges and opportunities due to AI-translation integration. They are adapting their business models to harness AI's potential, leveraging its efficiency while also redefining their value propositions and service offerings. AI has necessitated a shift in roles, transforming LSPs into orchestrators of diverse linguistic technologies and human expertise.

Post-editors, crucial in ensuring the quality of machine-translated content, confront a changed landscape. They play a pivotal role in refining AI-generated translations, focusing on context, nuance, and cultural relevance. The evolving role of post-editors is crucial, emphasizing the collaboration between human intelligence and AI technology.

The GALA MTPE TrAIning SIG, through workshops, case studies, and presentations, this SIG seeks to uncover strategies for adaptation, enhancement, and collaboration among academia, buyers, LSPs, and post-editors in the AI-driven translation era. In conclusion, the impact of AI-translation on academia, buyers, LSPs, and post-editors is a complex and evolving narrative that requires collaborative understanding, adaptation, and forward-thinking strategies. The GALA MTPE TrAIning SIG endeavors to be a beacon in navigating this transformative landscape, fostering an inclusive and innovative approach to the future of translation and language services and updating the MTPE Common Training Protocol stating how Gen AI affects the different groups and what kind of training is needed to bridge the gap in this AI-Transformation Era.

Host organization: Globalization and Localization Association

Event Speakers

Lucía Guerrero
Expedia Group, Inc.

Lucía Guerrero is Machine Translation Manager at Expedia Group and also part of the collaborative teaching staff at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. In the translation industry since 1998, she has been Machine Translation Specialist and Translation Project Manager at CPSL, managed localization projects for Apple Computer and translated children’s and art books.

Viveta Gene
Ionian University

Viveta Gene is a passionate and driven executive armed with 20+ years of experience in the translation and localization industry, having the title of the CEO at GTH Translation. She has a 360-degree view of the Translation and Localization Workflow thanks to her previous experience as a Language Solutions Specialist, Business Developer, Vendor Manager, Project Manager and Linguist. Her focus is to promote new trends in the industry, where translation skills meet MT technology and Localization Engineering. Machine translation engines, automated translation and post editing of machine translated output are amongst her fields of interest and the topic of her PhD Research.