Decoding Interpreting (1) - Overview of the Interpreting Market


This is the first installment of the Decoding Interpreting series, offered by the Boostlingo team.

This first video provides a high-level overview of the interpreting industry and it fits into the broader language industry.


00:54 Global Language Industry Market

01:40 Interpreting Market and Specializations

03:21 Interpreting Services and Breakdown

04:19 Most Common Language Services

05:50 Real-Time Delivery of Services

07:04 Language Services are delivered by software platforms

08:27 Interpreters are a globalized, freelance workforce

09:50 Language Services and Other Industries


Second installment: Decoding Interpreting (2) - What Interpreters Do



Katharine Allen

Katharine has been in the language services space for over 30 years. An interpreter, trainer, university instructor, advocate, author and public speaker, she has held many positions in the field over the years. She co-founded and was co-president of InterpretAmerica from 2010-2020, where she worked to raise the profile of interpreting and advocate for our profession. Katharine joined Boostlingo in the summer 2022 and serves as the Director of Language Industry Learning