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- #GALAChampion Gabriela Morales (Rosario Traducciones)
27 June 2022
| by Globalization and Localization Association
#GALAChampion Gabriela Morales (Rosario Traducciones)
In this series of interviews, GALA members share their insights on the pursuit of globalization & localization brilliance.
Today’s GALA Champion is:
Maria Gabriela Morales, Director of Rosario Traducciones y Servicios
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What’s in a Job Title
Business development, conference programming, human resources, business management
Starting out
I am a professional translator and once upon a time met a Brazilian business developer at a terminology conference, and the rest is history.
Where GALA Fits In
Renee Sztabelski invited me to the first GALA meeting in Brussels. We were just 30 companies or less. I believed in the idea of networking to conduct business, in the synergies that can be achieved, and in the power of association.
I love the GALA conferences, the GALA networking events, anything that allows us to connect and meet people.
Why join GALA? Take a look at the member benefits.
Career-building Tips
You cannot translate 1 million words alone, you need a team with the same level of expertise to do it.
Networking Tips & Techniques
We all smile in the same language.
What I learned in This Last Year
We are in one of the best industries in the world. Communication is key in everything we do and therefore so is translation.
Finding Inspiration
Family and friends, who keep working and smiling no matter what.
My Brilliant Second Career
If I didn't work in the language industry (and money wasn't a factor), I would travel around the world.
Life Beyond Localization
Even though my full name is Maria Gabriela, I generally answer to "Gabriela" or "Gabi". People tend to use just the first part of the name "Maria", which is a part of a compound name, typically used in Spanish. The only person that actually calls me "Maria Gabriela" is my mother, and that means I'm in trouble.
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