Updating GALA's Process for Board Nominations

A Recommendation from GALA's Governance Committee

In 2021, a subcommittee of the GALA board (now called the Governance Committee) conducted an audit of GALA's governance practices. It was the first time in GALA's 20-year history that this was done. Happily, the committee found few flaws in GALA's approach to governance. They did, however, produce one key recommendation for the nomination process for GALA board candidates.

Adopting this recommendation requires a change to GALA's bylaws, and bylaws changes must be approved by the GALA membership. We wish to inform and educate the membership about the Governance Committee's recommendation prior to conducting a vote on the bylaws changes. 

Please watch the video below (3:25 min) for a short summary of the proposed changes. Also, please review the brief slideshow for additional information about the process, the proposal, and the rationale for it. Finally, please review the proposed textual changes to the bylaws at the bottom of this page, and address any questions or concerns to the GALA staff or Board of Directors. 



View a brief slideshow on the proposed changes


A Vote on the Bylaws

Bylaws changes require approval of the membership by means of a vote. For voting, a quorum is defined as 40% of the regular members, and a majority carries an action. Each GALA member-organization receives one vote. The voting contacts at each member company will receive a ballot via email in the second week of June. GALA staff will verify receipt of the ballot and voting will be open for two weeks, with a deadline of 17 June. For more information on the voting process, please contact us. 

Proposed Changes to Article IV - Board of Directors, Section 4. Nominations 

4. Nominations. Nominations for the Board of Directors may be submitted by any regular member in good standing no later than 45 days before the general election. 

4.1 Nominating Committee. The Board Chair shall appoint, subject to approval by the Board of Directors, a nominating committee consisting of not less than five (5) members, including two (2) GALA Members who are not current Board Members; two (2) current Board Members who are not up for re-election; and one (1) past Board member who shall serve as Chair of the Nominating Committee. 

4.2 Nomination Procedure.

i. The Nominating Committee will submit an open call to the GALA membership for Board candidate submissions.

ii. Any GALA member may submit a nomination to the Board, provided such submission is received by the Nominating Committee no fewer than 45 days prior to the Election.

iii. The Nominating Committee will identify and vet prospective Board Members, taking into consideration the need for balance and representation on the Board. 

iv. To ensure contested elections, the Nominating Committee shall present a prospective Board candidate slate to the current Board of Directors for approval, which slate will include a number of candidates which is greater than the number of open positions.

[end bylaws changes] 

Nominating Committee Duties & Responsibilities

Please review the document which outlines the Nominating Committee's duties and responsibilities.