Decoding Interpreting (2) - What Interpreters Do


This is the second installment of the Decoding Interpreting series, offered by the Boostlingo team.

This second video is presented by Rocío Treviño (Director of Quality Compliance) and Sarah Attalla (Quality and Training Analyst). They provide a high-level overview of interpretation, the skills used by interpreters, the different delivery methods, and what to consider when selecting an interpreter.


00:03 Introduction

00:42 What is interpretation?

02:39 Interpreter's skills

03:25 Interpretation delivery methods

07:12 Choosing a delivery method


Third installment: Decoding Interpreting (3) - Managing the Remote Interpreter Pipeline: Challenges and Best Practices


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Rocío Treviño

Rocío Treviño is a nationally certified Spanish healthcare interpreter who has worked in OSI, VRI, and OPI settings. She is also a licensed trainer of The Community Interpreter International. In an effort to support other interpreters, she helped develop a self-evaluation tool for interpreters. She is currently the Director of Quality and Compliance of the Language Access Department at Boostlingo.

Sarah Attalla

Sarah Attalla is a nationally certified Spanish healthcare interpreter with over a decade of experience working in many areas of the interpretation and translation industries including project management, remote and on-site interpretation, and language services leadership. She is an interpreter, trainer, mentor, and curriculum developer and has held state and national positions within the language access space. She currently works at Boostlingo as a Quality and Training Analyst and is passionate about helping interpreters become the best they can be.