Guide to Managing a Voice Localization Project



There is little doubt that audiovisual localization, i.e., localization of timed content, is one of the fastest growing and technologically interesting parts of our industry. In some areas it is quite similar to text based work and in other areas it is different and much more complex.

The GALA Audiovisual Localization Special Interest Group (a.k.a. AVL SIG) works to demystify audiovisual localization, provide a forum for questions and concerns, and try to keep up with the ever-increasing rate of technological change. The SIG is led by a team of volunteer moderators, including Andrea Ballista (VOISEED SRL), Ralph Jung (Dell Technologies), Carlo Eugeni (University of Leeds), and Derek Ryan (TRANSLATED SRL).

In the document "Managing a Voice Localization Project" developed by the AVL SIG you'll find guidelines on...

  • Project budgeting - defining voice recording project scope with customers; finding audio recording resources; asking and comparing resources estimates; preparing customer estimates.
  • Project asset preparation - gathering assets from customers and sharing assets with resources; asset pre-check/validation and pre-production; skills needed for different roles in multimedia localization.
  • Project translation and recording - translating for audio recording; recording types that impact recording productivity, time and budget; productivity challenges.
  • Project finalization and delivery - post-production assets and QA; asset preparation for client delivery; managing retakes and pickup.


Download the guidelines.


Simply log in to your GALA account and click on the link above to download this FREE guide to voice localization projects.