I Can. I Am. I Will.


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The work that coaching clients do is paradoxically easy and difficult.

  • Easy because the focus is on what they control. Difficult because they must relinquish focus on what they don’t control.
  • Easy because answers lie within. Difficult because they uncover those answers within.

Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874-1936) was ahead of his time for coaching protocol. Chesterton was a prolific journalist and author known for robust literary, social, and political commentary. In 1910 eminent thinkers were asked by The Times to address “What is wrong with the world?” for an article series. Chesterton’s response was succinct. “Dear Sirs, I am.” Who can make the World Better? I CAN!


Coaching draws upon the Serenity Prayer in Reverse. 1. Discern what you control and what you don’t. 2. Activate in areas of influence and control. What is unfailingly in my control? I AM. Who is responsible for making my life better? I AM.


This opens up a wide range of possibilities for leadership coaching clients as they explore influence, innovation, personal leadership brand, mentoring, and more. Coaching stirs new mindsets and new behaviors to accelerate clients toward their goals and dreams. At the conclusion of each session clients share takeaways that are often expressed as “I WILL…..

Coaching Tenets

I CAN make the world a better place.

I AM responsible for my success and happiness.

I WILL make choices to reflect these truths.

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Shelly Priebe

Since 2010 Shelly has consulted and coached companies of all shapes and sizes, ever finding herself in the midst of disruption. COVID made disruption the norm; It impacted the way people think about life and work and priorities. As the “Future of Work” is being reimagined Shelly works with companies and leaders to author their parts in the story. She delivers IPEC's Core Energy Coaching™ methodology to create awareness and shifts in the energy that feeds thoughts, emotions, and actions. She is also certified in Insights Discovery™ and Energy Leadership Initiative™ assessments. These days Shelly elevates her “inner introvert” as she relishes more time in her Tree House office overlooking Lake Austin. Her dogs rejoice that their daily trail runs are not too frequently interrupted by her travel. While she wears many hats, “Mom” of four age range 14 to 28 is her favorite, and she recently added the title of “Gogo” with the birth if her first Grandchild in 2021.